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Last updated on: 20 June, 2020
Compiled by: Evan Tay

This section covers various common git use-cases.


Basic knowledge of Git is assumed in this tutorial. If you are new to Git, visit to learn the basics first.

Get branch information

I want to find out what branches I have locally:

git branch

I want to find out what is the upstream branch for a given branch:

git branch -v

Even more verbose information:

git branch -vv

Delete local and remote branches

Example scenario:
I have merged my development branch feat/new-feature into develop and wish to delete the local and remote branch of feat/new-feature now.

The solution:

  • Delete the local branch:
    • git branch -d feat/new-feature
    • or with --force: git branch -D feat/new-feature
  • Delete the remote branch: git push <remote> -d <branch>

The general command format it is based on:

  • Delete a local branch:
    • git branch -d|--delete <branch>
    • or with --force: git branch -D <branch>
  • Delete a remote branch: git push <remote> -d|--delete <branch>

Reset a branch

Example scenario:
I messed up my local master branch. I want to reset it such that it will revert to being the same as origin/master.

The one-line solution:
git checkout -B master origin/master

The general command format it is based on:
git checkout -b|-B <new_branch> [<start point>]

How does it work?

git checkout -b|-B <new_branch> is typically used to create and switch to a new branch. However, if <new_branch> already exists, it will be reset instead.


If -B is given, <new_branch> is created if it doesn’t exist; otherwise, it is reset.

